Our packs are called “Baddie-Bags©” (they’re like goodie-bags, only naughtier). Each comes in a stylish, luxury, rope-handled carrier. There are two different issues every month (one is our Nationwide Monthly Clubs issue, the other is our Torture Garden issue). We also make special packs for special events, such as London Fetish Weekend and KFS Media (formerly Skin Two) events.
Every issue is different and in every issue of we deliver a complementary range of targeted fetish promotions, a selected diversity of flyers reflecting contemporary fetish culture, plus up-to-date information on clubs, markets, special events, campaigns and items of interest. All hand-packed into a sealed branded envelope together with an informative newsletter.
We also include free gifts (such as product samples and free tickets), special offers and promotions, exclusive discounts on products and services, and free competitions to win fabulous prizes.
It’s the ideal way to communicate and get your messages across to a large and highly targeted audience of your potential customers, out and about in a receptive and trusted environment.
By working closely with promoters and handing out our packs inside the venues and not outside, we offer customers that extra bit more, and we make sure your flyers stay with your customers.
“Baddie-Bags©” flyer packs are fun, they’re free, they’re useful, and they keep your flyers in your customers’ hands – all the way home.