Do you run a fetish club or event?
Why not give your customers something for nothing and add to the evening’s fun? HandJobs Media’s “Baddie-Bags” are free to clubbers and can enhance your club night or event, minimise the flyer clutter at your venue, and provide added value to your customers.
If you run a fetish club or event and you’d like to give away our free “Baddie-Bags” at your events, we will gladly send you a box of “Baddie-Bags” to give away to your customers. It’s a great gift for them. “Baddie-Bags” are free of charge to your customers – you pay only for shipping (£10 per box in the UK, more overseas). For details please e-mail: bags[at]
Our Club Flyer Crew distribution teams really are very fabulous and very friendly.They dress to impress, always in full dress code, and are specially selected for their customer-facing skills and their talents for being “Fabulous, Friendly and Focused on Fetish”.
“Baddie-Bags©” are personally handed out to individual clubbers with the panache, style, witty chat-up and cheeky comments characteristic to HandJobs Media Club Flyer Crew. We also function as excellent interactive directional signage, and a handy source of useful information and reference for clubbers questions (such as “Is there a changing room?” “Where are the toilets?” ”What’s upstairs?” “Are my seams straight?” “Does my bum look big enough?” and so on). We’re happy to help out where we can … it’s all part of the service!